“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” (Glenn Close)


Individual Therapy (45/60 mins.)

Its like a one-on-one tutor, but for your heart and mind.


Marriage & Couples Therapy (60 mins.)

It’s like learning the salsa, with your favorite person in the world, when you were hopeless and thought you would never dance again.


Family Therapy (60 mins.)

Its like being in a dark room, lost and afraid. A small voice guides you through your fears… until you feel your loved one’s voice yell, “don’t worry I’m here with you!”


Initial consultation (15 min) is complimentary and allows you to get a feel for and establish connection with your assigned therapist. To discuss pricing and potential sliding scale opportunities, please outreach Conscious Corner directly to explore options. Mental Health care should not be a financial burden. Conscious Corner wants to assist and support you as much as possible!

Due to COVID-19, We are supporting individuals and families via telehealth services until further notice.


Conscious Corner does not accept insurance at this time. However, services can be reimbursed through HSA.


Payment is due within 24-hours of your scheduled session. We accept cash, personal checks, and PayPal.


If you are unable to attend a session, please make  sure to cancel/reschedule at least 24-hours prior to scheduled session. If cancellation occurs, by the client(s) in less than 24-hours advance or there is a no show for the confirmed appointment, you will be charged 50% the rate of the scheduled service.

The Vanguard honors your time and will do their best to keep, confirm, and communicate respective of scheduling and keeping appointments. The Vanguard is also expected to inform clients of any possible cancellations, or the need for rescheduling in a respectful timeframe; considering both personal and professional emergency cancellations. Clients are not responsible for fees of sessions cancelled by The Vanguard.